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Sommerro House Oslo


The Modern & Resilient Cyber Leader


Adapting to the Rapidly Evolving Cyber Threats in 2025


Strategic Leadership for Strengthening Cyber Resilience


How to Create a Strong Security Culture

Strategy Talk


Eyvind Røst is a Sr. Sales Engineer at Rubrik. He is married, has three "almost" grown children and enjoys outdoor activities. Most of his working life has been devoted to infrastructure- and security solutions, as a customer but mostly as a "value creator" towards customers from a vendor side. Eyvind is often seen on the podium at customer and partner events, talking about how to keep data safe and the importance of reducing risk and consequence - reducing the impact of a cyber event - reducing time to get back in operation.

Eyvind Røst

Sr. Sales Engineer
Tore Orderløkken er sikkerhetsdirektør i Posten Bring AS og leder der Konsernsikkerhet. Tore har lang erfaring innen cybersikkerhetsområdet og startet sin karriere med 14 år i forsvaret med forskjellige stillinger i Hærens samband. Tore har senere hatt sikkerhetsdirektør stillinger i flere norske og internasjonale selskaper. Tore har i 9 år vært administrerende direktør i Norsk senter for informasjonssikring (NorSIS) og medlem av forskjellige arbeidsgrupper og komiteer innen infomasjonssikkerhetsområdet, både statlige og private. Tore har vært styremedlem i Kommunal CSIRT. Tore har en bachelor i telematikk og en master i informasjonssikkerhet.

Tore Orderløkken

Posten Bring

Zoya Shah

CISO x 2, Senior Manager

Breach is Inevitable

Welcome to join an afterwork mingle on 26.11 in an astonishing setting at Sommerro House Oslo together with colleagues from various industries. Lunch and drinks will be served from To Søstre and drinks served throughout the lunch.

We are living in volatile times where evolving technologies shape a complex threat landscape. It’s imperative for organisations to stay ahead in the cybersecurity game by adapting and embracing these advancements.The crucial role of CISOs and their teams in safeguarding businesses and bolstering cyber resilience is more apparent than ever.

Remember, cybersecurity transcends technology; it's about people, processes, and knowledge. To understand where the greatest future risks and opportunities lie and how you can mitigate risks of attacks, we offer an inspiring, concrete, and experience-based panel during the afterwork on the topic "The Modern & Resilient Cyber Leader"

You are welcome to ask questions or submit topics in advance, and we will facilitate them during the Strategy Talk afterwork with answers and advice.We hope to meet & greet you in an extraordinary surrounding - welcome to exchange thoughts with new and familiar faces!